Thursday 14 June 2018

SPACE HUB has launched!

Standardised Pathways 

And Clinical  Excellence

The Hub offers much more than just pathways. The aim is for it to be the new area for all clinical pathways and departmental documents within the Trust, including a digital evolution of the Red Book.

This initiative, driven by Dr Sue Davidson has been 3 years in the making. The Hub is a very high quality storage room. We need staff to fill it with good, safe, Royal Surrey pathways and documents. This is an exciting opportunity for each department to organise all of their documents and pathways, as well as to update them into the SPACE format. Help to update to the new format is available and a link can be found within the SPACE Hub to access this help. It will only be as good as information contributed.

I want to encourage everyone who works with patients to add to the Hub. The pathway builder tool (electronic fuzzy felt) built in house by Dr Mark Halling-Brown is really easy to use.

The Hub is also the new home of the Red Book but, in time, we aim to replace the Red Book with SPACE pathways.
A clear flow chart is always going to be safer and more effective than 6 pages of text!

There is also an area in the Hub for teams to store departmental documents.
This will ensure that they are accessible across the trust, unlike those stored on the G drive at the moment.

It is critical that Hub contains only first rate material. The motto is: a Library not a Skip!

Ultimately the success of this project depends on people sharing their knowledge and expertise for the benefit of patients and other trust employees.

Please be a part of the Hub’s success.

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