Friday 13 June 2014

NICE Eyes on Evidence Issue 62 June 2014

>>> Click here to read the latest issue of  Eyes on Evidence

This month's issue contains evidence updates on:
  • Acid-suppressive drugs and oesophageal adenocarcinoma in Barrett's oesophagus
  • Prescriptions for anxiolytics and hypnotics and risk of death
  • Assessment and treatment of dementia in older adults
  • Bedtime schedules and children's cognition and behaviour
  • Trained glycaemia alert dogs for people with type 1 diabetes

NICE opens consultation on the NICE Accreditation Process Manual Update
NICE is inviting comments on its proposals to update the NICE Accreditation Process Manual.

Evidence Updates
Plus NICE has recently published Evidence Updates on:

  • Physical activity and the environment
  • Autism in adults
  • Opioids in palliative care

Tuesday 10 June 2014

KnowledgeShare - Join our new current awareness service

What is it?
A targeted current awareness service.  Whenever we find high impact documents in your area, we'll let you know.

Why use it?
To see the latest high-level evidence in your field.

How it works
We create your KnowledgeShare profile as broad or as specific as you need.  For example if you work in the area of obstetrics, you could receive everything published on obstetrics or just items related to gestational diabetes.  Just let us know what you need.

What is included?
We add guidelines, policy documents and a wide range of summarised evidence so that you will not be inundated with primary research articles.

Library Management System
KnowledgeShare is also used by the library team to record any literature searches carried out for you. You will be able to access the results of the literature searches carried out for you.

How do I join?
Complete the online registration of collect a form from the library.